Monday, 12 September 2016

Inside the Gulfstream G600: A Technologically Advanced Commuter

Inside the Gulfstream G600: A Technologically Advanced Commuter

Even before entering the cavernous hangar in an otherwise unassuming corner of Southern California’s San Fernando Valley, I knew I was entering a domain normally shielded from the general public. A procession of German, Swedish, and Italian cars sat frozen surrounding a small phalanx of grounded jet aircraft, each awaiting passengers – travelers used to flying in true first class. This was the realm of the Gulfstream traveler…

Capable of a max speed of Mach .925 with a max range of 6,200 NM, the Gulfstream G600 was redesigned and shaped by customer feedback.

Capable of a max speed of Mach .925 with a max range of 6,200 NM, the Gulfstream G600 was redesigned and shaped by customer feedback.


The chances I’ll ever regularly fly on a Gulfstream are slim, which is a sad realization to come to after touring the model cabin interior of the Gulfstream G600, a business first, leisure a close second aircraft mockup designed to present potential customers (and curious writers) a first hand tour of the bespoke detailing and options available in this newly redesigned aircraft.


Tray Crow, Director of Interior Design at Gulfstream led me through the G600 cabin mockup by – measuring 91 inches wide and 74 inches tall – pointing out a slew of material detailing and features born out of customer feedback compiled over the last year: genuine stone flooring welcoming passengers upon entry, rare wood veneers (shaved thin to save weight), handsome drawer and cabin latches at arm’s reach for storage, a hidden array of LED cabin lighting providing both direct and indirect illumination, and the modular/customizable furnishings designed for easy rearrangement specific to a customer’s wishes.

The G600's galley is equipped with modular kitchen appliances that can be switched out according to passengers' preferences (e.g. coffee vs. tea drinkers).

The G600’s galley is equipped with modular kitchen appliances that can be switched out according to passengers’ preferences (e.g. coffee vs. tea drinkers).

Crow noted that Gulfstream has on-hand a sizable catalog of materials for customers to choose from, but nearly anything could be sourced and matched according to customers’ desires. In essence, Gulfstream has positioned their G600 as an extension and manifestation of each customer’s lifestyle and preferences.




Gulfstream says the G600 is the longest cabin in its class, with the aforementioned customizable and configurable cabin composed of four living areas. Satellite communications and high-speed Internet are integrated, reflecting the G600’s intent as a business office with wings, with an array of controls handling lighting, window shades, temperature, and entertainment amenities through a touchscreen control hidden within the armrest of cabin seating,

The television screen can be folded away for additional surface area.

The television screen can be folded away for additional surface area.


Since this was only a mockup model, I had to take Gulfstream’s word about the atmospheric interior engineering reputedly offering a very quiet cabin sound levels, alongside it replenished the interior every two minutes with fresh air to keep passengers from suffering the symptoms associated with flying.


The finely appointed interior of this full-size model of the G600 is further supplemented to showcase the Gulfstream Symmetry Flight Deck, the aviation company’s advanced flight deck, complete with active control sidesticks, integrated touchscreen controllers, next-generation enhanced vision system, and Honeywell Primus Epic avionics.

Any disappointment our tour of the Gulfstream G600 had was completely earthbound was tempered by the fact this technologically-appointed aircraft is so new, it’s yet to be certified, and won’t be in service until 2019. Further details at Gulfstream.

from Design Milk

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